CPS Military Javelin and Special Operations Vector 3 Tandem Sigma in the news again
CPS is in the News Again! Using CPS’ Military Javelin (MJ) system with an Military Phoenix 360 parachute, former Marine Corp sniper Caylen Wojcik, with only 50 jumps, set the record for someone with the fewest jumps to land at 12,500 feet elevation. Just weeks before attempting the record jump, Caylen had been trained by Complete Parachute Solutions personnel using techniques similar to our Military Freefall (MFF) courses. Also using the Military Javelin, USMC Cody Carroll, carrying a 70 pound rucksack, set the Marine Corp record for the highest combat equipment landing.
Using CPS’ Special Operations Vector 3 Tandem Sigma system and Tandem Phoenix (TP) parachutes, two different tandem parachute landing records were broken. Former Marine, Marty Rhett and civilian Hunter Williams set the record tandem landing carrying combat equipment at 16, 850. Also using the SOV 3 Tandem Sigma system, Tom Noonan and Ted Adkins set the civilian world record.
In addition to the equipment and training provided by CPS, all parachutists relied on the Multi-purpose Tactical Oxygen Systems (MTOS) from Top Out Aero for achieving these “high-level” feats.
To read the latest Fox News article by Allison Barrie,click Military veterans smash skydiving world records in the Himalayas